It’s everybody’s dream to earn a lot of money and to get rid of all the financial problems and most importantly from debt. Here we have brought a list of blogs which will help you for sure in above matters.
For Young Adults and Students
It is a blog which helps you solving your queries which are related to financial terms. Whether it is about loan debt or how to manage your financial status when you are in college and some excellent methods to main it after your college, this blog will help you a lot.
20 Something Finance:
If you are looking for financial advices then you must visit this blog where you will find all the solutions to your financial problems. You can get any type of information from there like future investments, retirement planning, savings etc.
Poorer Than You:
Poorer than you is a personal finance blog for college students and twenty-something’s. Topics include credit cards, savings, budgeting, earning more money, evaluating job offers… from big financial decisions down to small ones, from the latest news to time-tested advice. This site offers no “get rich quick” schemes (sorry!), but the goal here is to put you in a better financial position.
Money Under 30:
Money Under 30 is David Weliver’s blog about using simple financial tactics to build your dream life. Specifically, as you go from being a broke college student to a young professional with a decent job and some money in the bank. Perhaps you want to get out of debt, get married, buy a home, or even have kids. Maybe you want time to have fun or travel before settling down. Or maybe you just want some furniture that’s not from IKEA. Whatever your goal, this blog help you get there.
Grad Money Matters:
It is a blog which will help you deal with financial matters. You will come to know about money making ways on this adult focussed site.
Student Loan Blog:
This excellent blog issues finance, loans and debts for college education.
Green Panda Treehouse:
Green Panda Tree house is a personal finance blog for college students and recent graduates. The goal of being careful with your money (at least in my head) is to use money help fuel your content. It’s not just going for the hottest investments nor deals those nets you the most money in a short period of time (most of the time these deals fail). It’s also taking into account your own values. How you use your money should reflect what you value in life.
Young and Thrifty:
They are a couple of guys in our mid-twenties that love learning and writing about personal finance. We realized early on what a difference a few personal finance basics can make in a person’s life, especially if they learn them at a young age. We think that our Generation had better get used to depending on their own skills and knowledge, because they likely won’t get much help from elsewhere.
The College Investor:
This will advise you to invest your money wisely so have a look at this blog.
Financial Advice
My Money Blog:
This blog is very informative whether you want to know about credit cards or about business portfolios.
Get Rich Slowly:
You must have heard this phrase that Slow and steady wins the race. Here on this blog you will come to know about how slowly and gradually you can earn your income and can become richer.
I Will Teach You to Be Rich:
This blog is maintained by Ramit Sethi. You will surely come to know about the methods of being rich not only money but also experience.
From this blog you can learn about retirement. Saving, investments etc and a very informative blog it is.
MintLife Blog:
Here you will find some award winning financial helps and solutions. So just have a look at this site to get all your financial issues solved.
Money Crashers:
If you are worried about getting cheated then just do not worry you will get to know about all types of fraud you can get cheated by.
No Debt Plan:
The original goal of this blog is to explain personal finance topics. You will find explanations of the basics such as budgeting and safely using a credit card to many friends and thought there would be a need to share the information online.
Man Vs. Debt:
If you want some real life experiences of debt than visit this bolg where you will find many solutions to debt.
Debt Free Adventure:
You want to imagine your life without debt than have a look at this site and know the following advices related to debt.
Debt Hater:
A blog by a debt hater who had faced this situation and is now here to help you get over this.
So Over Debt:
It is very hard to pay debt but when you will go through this blog and the experience of the mother who is also the creator of this blog, you will be able to face the conditions.
Get Out of Debt Guy:
One of the finest blog. Its creator Steve Rhode knows a bit about debt because he’s been there several years ago. On this blog, he shares the lessons he’s learned along the way as well as access to some expert debt advice.
Punch Debt In The Face:
When debt gives you so many problems then why not to punch it back? This blog is often funny but it does offer seriously good advice on paying off debts, especially for young adults. Have a look at it.
Eventual Millionaire:
Again a blog which inspires you to earn a lot. If your long-term goal is to make a cool million, then start reading this blog for advice on not only paying down your debts, but building up some serious assets as you start a business or career.
Enemy of Debt:
As the name suggests this will help you get over the pain of debt. You’ll find plenty of motivation to pay down your debts on this blog that stresses financial responsibility and freedom from debt.
TeacHer Finance:
A teacher who experienced the debt is the creator of this blog. Follow this teacher as she pays down her student loan and credit card debts, saves for retirement, and tries to establish a solid financial future.
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