Saturday, April 7

$2 paper iPads make an afterlife to die for

...IN A land infamous for cheap imitation goods, a bustling alleyway in Guangzhou, in China's south, has iPads for sale at $2 each.
The catch? They are made of paper, and can only be used in the afterlife.
The contraptions are just one of countless kooky knockoffs bought as offerings for deceased loved ones, as even the centuries-old day of remembrance, the Qingming Festival, moves with the times.
A shop in Guangzhou selling paper houses, cars and clothes to be burnt as offerings during the Qingming Festival.
Also for sale are other paper-made luxuries, such as Louis Vuitton handbags, laptops, cars, houses, yachts and cigarettes. ''Overseas it's flowers, but here, we have our own way,'' said one middle-aged lady, who gave her surname as Jiang. ''It's about family, it's about remembering.''
Qingming, which will be observed by Chinese communities worldwide today, has a history stretching back more than 2000 years.
Honouring the elderly is important in Chinese culture, and this spills over into the spiritual world, with many believing the souls of their departed ancestors keep watch over their family.
As well as the paper offerings, family members young and old will also offer food, such as fruit or roast pork, as well as wine and tea.
With the festival observed as a public holiday in China, it has also evolved into a time for families to enjoy time outdoors together in the crisp spring weather, with many flying kites and going for walks after paying their respects.
Ms Jiang said her family of six would visit their ancestral gravesite atop a mountain in the outskirts of Guangzhou during the three-day public holiday. There, they will tend to the graves of loved ones and burn their offerings in a bonfire.
Every year across the country, more than 1000 tonnes of paper-made offerings, worth more than 10 billion yuan ($A1.5 billion) are burnt during the festival, according to the China Consumers Association.
Despite the array of new offerings, shop owner Zhou Wenyan said the more traditional mingbi or ''hell banknotes'' - the preferred currency of the dead - still sold best.
''Some people say they find it hard to get used to the new types of paper,'' Ms Zhou said. ''But then others will ask: 'Oh, this is the same as last year, where is the new stuff?' ''
Yet there are signs that the newest trends are catching on. The Age saw several people asking specifically for iPads and laptops, while paper houses and luxury yachts were also in high demand.
But some old habits never die. ''I will burn this for my husband,'' one elderly woman said while buying a paper-imitation gift box of cigarettes. ''He loved smoking before he died.''

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