Wednesday, February 22

Convert 3GP to MP4 with WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe

This article will illuminate how to convert 3GP video to MP4 format with WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe, an all-in-one video converter program that provides both excellent quality and speed. If you are not satisfied with other sloppy converter software, then it is time to download it free from us. And guiding by this detailed instruction, you will experience an unbelievable fast conversion process with the best reserved output quality.

Apart from converting video from 3GP to MP4, WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe is also masterful at convert 3GP to MPEG, 3GP to FLV, 3GP to MKV, 3GP to AVC, etc.
Getting armed with Hyper-threading technology, as well as fully supported by Multi-core CPU, WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe can offers up to 5x - 15x real time converting speed. Imagine that all the video converting stuff will be done before you turn over to make a cup of coffee.

How to Convert 3GP to MP4?

WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe is available for free download. Tiny file size allows users easily and fast get it installed and launched. After a brief installation, the main interface will pop up spontaneously.
Step 1:
Firstly you can import your target 3GP video into WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe by clicking Add File button. And as for these videos you do no need to convert or have converted already, the Clear and Remove button will clear them out of the file list window. Besides, freely selectable language tracks give you plenty options to convert video with prefered language track.
Step 2:
And then, in the middle of main interface, you can choose to MP4 option as the output format. WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe also furnishes several other categary, such as to DVD, to HD Video, to Apple, to Sony, to MicroSoft, to Portable and to Music.
Step 3:
And the third step goes to the parameter setting panel. WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe provided free adjustable video and audio settings to satisfy all levels experienced users. No matter you are a expert or not, it will avhieve the best output quality you desired.
To set the destination of converted MP4 file will be done by simply clicking Browse button. And to make users get output file easily, the Open button is made for fast find the location of converted MP4 video file.
Step 4:
After the presetting of the above procedure, the next step is to click Start button, and conversion process will indicate in the conversion dialog box below. Two options available for users when the video converting process finished: Shut down computer when conversion completed or Open output folder when conversion completed.
WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe : built in hundreds of A/V codecs and equipped with DVD Burner, Website Video Downloader function. As all-in-one HD Video Converter software, it helps you transcode among HD video formats like convert AVCHD M2TS to MKV, convert Blu-ray to MKV, MKV to MP4, etc. Moreover, it is embed with numerous profile settings for Apple, Sony, Microsoft portable devices as well as iOS, Android, Symbian mobile Phones. Convert MKV to iPhone, convert MKV to iPad are good examples.

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